TRX2, align and tune up

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TRX2, align and tune up

Postby KG6WNI » 10 Apr 2013 23:20

I'm thinking of getting a TRX2 transceiver. I think that I'll have no problem putting it together, I have made kits before from Ten Tec and Elecraft .
My question is. I only have a multimeter a cheep frequency counter and a transceiver. Will I be able to align and tune up this radio with what I got?.
Thanks Leo
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Re: TRX2, align and tune up

Postby KH2BR » 12 Apr 2013 17:39

Gone are the days of old ham radio tuning and alignment. No test equipment is needed but I do use a multimeter at times to just check the components. Alignment for the dds is all done in software.
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Re: TRX2, align and tune up

Postby F6DEX » 13 Apr 2013 09:53


TRX2 is very easy to align but you need at least:

- a multimeter and (recommended) an accurate capacimeter for checking and sorting the values of the capacitors before soldering (I use a L/C Meter IIB),
- a dummy load and a wattmeter (as usual),
- a small and simple RF Generator : and XG2 Elecraft is perfect for that purpose (I have an home made one with a quartz and some components).

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Re: TRX2, align and tune up

Postby 5B4AIY » 14 Apr 2013 07:13

Hi, Leo,

As other commentors have said, you do not need a lot of test equipment to set up the TRX-2. Certainly at least a good 3-1/2 digit accurate mutlimeter is a basic essential, and yes, a frequency counter would also be useful, but even that is not essential by using a little ingenuity. The most 'challenging' adjustment is that of setting the bias current for the driver and PA stages, and for that you really need a multimeter with a 1A range. However, the basic default calibration settings in either the original or my modified firmware are usually quite good enough for most purposes, so do not be too concerned - it is only us perfectionists who like the 8th decimal place to be exact that fret about it.

Even the frequency compensation can be performed without a frequency counter. If you load my latest firmware you can use the CW/CWR facility to determine the intrinsic offset of the reference oscillator. You can download my firmware from this website, and included with it is a User Manual that explains the procedure. (Thanks to KD1NA for this tip - I had not thought of it.)

In any case, the Juma community is always here to provide assistance, simply post your question, and you will quickly receive all the help and assistance you need. If you would like to read my construction notes, drop me an email and I'd be happy to send you the PDF.

Adrian, 5B4AIY

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