what has happened to Juma Kits

General discussion

what has happened to Juma Kits

Postby KH2BR » 06 Mar 2014 18:12

Has juma kits closed down? Everything has been out of stock for a very long time. Is it possible to get the pc boards only and we can source our own parts.
We would need a source to obtain programed cpu's or pic's for the various kits.
Robert KH2BR
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Re: what has happened to Juma Kits

Postby KH2BR » 07 Mar 2014 01:02

I just got this reply from Yrjo

Thank you for your interest in JUMA kits. I am working hard to get the most popular JUMA kits available as soon as possible. I estimate that JUMA TRX2A will be available in the spring.
It takes time to make kits. I started with empty hands, so It takes time to make kits.
Please Be patient.

73 Yrjo OH3YP

OHKits, Finland
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Re: what has happened to Juma Kits

Postby F6DEX » 08 Mar 2014 17:29

I ordered one "out of stock" kit some months ago (VM keyer). Just ask if any...

73, Laurent
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Re: what has happened to Juma Kits

Postby ok1rp » 21 May 2014 20:32

Terve Yrjo,

congrats to your an excellent job with re-starting the Juma kits again.

I am friend and enthusiasts of the Juma kits from the beginning... I always supported the Juma guys as same as their products worldwide.
I hate the illegal copies from China and I started locally the campain against these illegal copies where the IP is stolen with China government agreement.

Always I am motivating my friends and colleques to buy genuie products from Juma over here in order to support and help Juma guys and their business.
I am the RX1 receiver owner/user only but I hope that I will get my own TRX2A some day in the future also.

Juha and Matti makes great engineering job and now You are third pilar of the Juma engineering allows to all others buy all of the products.
I would like to offer you my help. If You think that i can help with something regarding the kit arrangement or so then let me know. I will be proud to help to all of You!

73 - Petr, OK1RP
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