Juma TRX-2 v3.00a Build: 18

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-2 v3.00a Build: 18

Postby 5B4AIY » 20 Nov 2016 10:13

This build introduces an additional feature to the CW Practice Mode, and finally cures all the switching glitches.

CW Practice Mode
It is now possible to select the LCD scroll direction. To enter the CW Practice Mode, from the power off state, press and hold the FILTER button, and briefly press the PWR button. Continue holding the FILTER button until the message:

CW Practice Mode

is displayed. Release the button, and the first prompt:

Scroll LCD: Left

will be displayed. The default scrolling direction is Left, but you can rotate the VFO knob clockwise to select Right, or anticlockwise to return to Left scrolling. Briefly press the FILTER button to continue. As before, you can select LETTERS, NUMBERS, or MIXED, select the number of 5-character groups, as well as set the speed with the CW Speed knob, and select the inter-character spacing from 3 to 15 dot-times.

If the Serial Port Mode is set to TEST, and the RS-232 port is connected to a computer running a terminal program, you can capture the current practice session and compare your copy to evaluate your accuracy. The display will resemble this:


Glitch Suppression
The original firmware glitched or clicked whenever a mode, audio filter, or RF band was changed, and I spent a lot of time tracking down these noises. In the previous versions of my firmware I had largely eliminated them, but there still remained a couple of stubborn nuisances that had resisted all my efforts at elimination. I finally decided to have one last attempt at eliminating them and this version of the firmware is now glitch free.

As a result I was able to optimise the glitch suppression so that it only takes 5mS whereas with the previous versions it required 100mS. You will now find that switching modes, bands, or audio filter bandwidths are all essentially silent operations with no clicks or glitches. It has been a long piece of work in progress, but finally patience has paid off.

As there are no EEPROM changes, this version can be safely loaded over a previous version 3, but, as with all firmware updates, it is a wise precaution to make a note of your existing calibration and configuration settings prior to loading any new firmware. There are pages at the back of the User Manual specifically set aside for this data.

You can also dump the transceiver's present calibration and configuration data by using the Serial Test Suite 'T' (upper-case letter T) command. To see a list of test commands, use '?' or 'H' at the prompt. Set the serial port mode to TEST, and connect the transceiver's RS-232 port to a computer running a serial test program.

The User Manual is now too large to accommodate in the source ZIP file, so it is separately attached to this post.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-2 v3.00a Build 18 (C-Source+HEX Load File).zip
Greatly improved glitch suppression, added LCD scrolling choice to CW Practice mode.
(239.26 KiB) Downloaded 1460 times
Juma TRX2 Operation Manual v3.00a Build 18 (Text Only).pdf
Updated User Manual.
(463.12 KiB) Downloaded 1493 times
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
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