JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Software developed by Adrian

Re: JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Postby VK4GRM » 01 Dec 2018 11:07

Hi Adrian

I have successfully loaded version V3.00c of your software.

The thing that was interesting was that I had to install the following dlls


to get the ingenia bootloader to run.

I will now spend some more time with your manual to better understand the additional functionality that you have provided and to calibrate the PA properly which I have not done to date.

Thank you very much for all the help you have provided.
It is much appreciated as this has been a bit of an exercise to get here.

Kind Regards


73s Greg VK4GRM
Posts: 22
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Location: Australia

Re: JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Postby 5B4AIY » 01 Dec 2018 14:18

Hi, Greg,
Excellent! Yes, in order to access the test commands the RS-232 port has to be in the TEST mode. I apologise if I did not make this clear. I am relieved that there were no hardware problems, removing chips and replacing them is a difficult job and involves the risk of seriously damaging the printed circuit board. This is especially true of those chips with narrow pad spacing, they will not stand a great deal of thermal abuse.

You should now be good to go to load my new firmware. Be aware that as the EEPROM mapping has changed and the measurement system quite different, you will get a "Checksum Error!" on initial power up which is perfect normal. You will also have to re-calibrate the amplifier.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

Re: JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Postby VK4GRM » 02 Dec 2018 09:57

Hi Adrian

Thanks again for your help.

The software is loaded and all appears to be working correctly. I worked a few more countries on FT8 tonight!!

I have calibrated the Voltage using a digital multi-meter and the Power using a spectrum analyser and home brew coupler.

I have to track down a clamp on current probe to calibrate the current.

I assume that if I calibrate the frequency display at the top end of the band it will be accurate at the bottom end of the band. Currently it is about 3kHz high.
I will have a play with that tonight and see how it goes.

Thanks again

73s Greg VK4GRM
Posts: 22
Joined: 18 Jun 2018 20:00
Location: Australia

Re: JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Postby 5B4AIY » 04 Dec 2018 07:11

Hi Greg,

Glad that you have managed to load the new firmware. As for calibrating the frequency counter, refer to the instructions on page 18 of the User Manual. With an input power of 100mW to 5W, not critical, inject an accurately known CW signal on 10m. I suggested the default Juma TRX-2 10m band select frequency in the firmware I modified for that transceiver, but as long as you know the frequency, and it is an integer number of kilo-hertz, that will be fine. For example, use 28,850kHz.

Using the UP button step up until the display just reads 28.849 without any jitter, and note this calibration figure. Now using the DOWN button step down until the display just reads 28.851 without any jitter. Add the upper and lower calibration figures, and then divide by 2 and use the integer result. For example, in my case the two calibration figures were: 1,000,003 and 999,966 adding these gives: 1,999,969 and dividing this by 2 gives: 999984.5, so the actual calibration factor is: 999,984. It is important that the input frequency is set to an exact number of kHz, and that its frequency is known to better than +/-100Hz.
Glad to have been of assistance.
73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

Re: JUMA 100D Firmware Update

Postby VK4GRM » 04 Dec 2018 08:39

Thanks Adrian

I did notice that there was quite a range where the displayed value did not change. Your approach of taking the average provides a good way of getting the best result.

I will do another frequency calibration tonight.

Thanks again



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Joined: 18 Jun 2018 20:00
Location: Australia


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