Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

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Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby ok1rp » 06 Nov 2018 11:11


as checked after several months there is still nothing to buy on Juma e-shop...

It happen for years and even although there were several promises > nothing changed.
No transceivers, no amps, no receivers... simply nothing except 136kHz kit and some accessories.

I tried to offer my help to Juma guys (assembling using profi tools in lab), kitting, re-selling their kits in my e-shop
etc. in order to put Juma back on order but I never got any response from guys.

I got several requests to my e-shop for reliable and clean sigs 100W booster for QRP rigs like KX3 or KX2 or FT-818 etc.
with quiet and fast QSK and full set of protection for example (something like PA100D)...

How we can protect the Juma against Chinese pirates and their fakes or copies if the Juma almost died...

73 - Petr, OK1RP
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Re: Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby NQ3RP » 15 Nov 2018 22:59


I too am hoping that the gentlemen who make up Juma will create new kits and continue to provide their excellent offerings to the radio enthusiast. Even though the rage in amateur radio seems to be SDR radios (K3, mcHF and others), I think there is still a place for a well designed non-SDR radio, easily built kit like the TRX2A. An the PA100 still has no rival in today's market. The chinese offerings, even though they are cheap, leave much to be desired.

I look forward to Juma either making newly designed offerings available or a redo of their current designs. Either will sell out easily, given the state of the current QRP kit offerings - slim to none.

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Re: Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby NQ3RP » 24 Nov 2018 01:12

Juha, Matti and Kari -

Are there any plans to offer newly designed kits or to restock and continue selling your offerings listed on the product page? I know it's been 10 - 15 years ago that you were actively designing and producing JUMA products but looking in Juha personal page, I see DDS receivers and transmitters, posting where you dabbled with SDR Cube and other items that with some further development would be great kit offerings for those interested in building their own receivers, transceivers and amplifiers.

Any words for us who are waiting patiently ?
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Re: Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby ok1rp » 05 Dec 2018 17:20

unfortunately I do not expect any kind of reply from them.
Sorry to say, they do not care any more and Juma is dead.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
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Re: Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby LZ1ZJ » 07 Dec 2018 11:35


I bought maybe the last kit JUMA 100D amplifier at the end of October. It might take some technological time to prepare the new kits.
73 de Slav - LZ1ZJ
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Re: Nothing to buy in Juma e-shop

Postby M1BCV » 03 Jan 2019 07:37

Hi All.

I also hope the PA100D appears for sale again it would have been the perfect companion for my Hermes-Lite.
After searching the web for something similar there is only the Chinese copy available.
So it looks like we will have to see what the future brings.

73 Peter M1BCV
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